Founders Glenn and Sabrina Evans have a story worth sharing, they came together single but whole, complete with the spirit of God, knowing that when God joined them, Glenn a father of two daughters one son and Sabrina a mother of two sons and one daughter it would be more than a notion. This blended family has grown by the grace of God, through love and communication. Glenn and Sabrina continues to mature and strengthen family relationships, with the community in mind, a organization that offers service an opportunity to those needing a hand up and most of all to understand the power of love. For God so loved the world... He loved us...and so He gave His only begotten son....Glenn and Sabrina are kingdom citizens, who believe in giving back to the community as-well-as sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. They partners with kindred spirit ministries locally, nationally and internationally. They are worshipers who trust in the power of prayer.
Read more about Sabrina
Read more about Glenn
House of Healing (HOH) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit community organization. We are concern citizens who recognize the need to help rebuild broken lives of individuals to a holistic gospel of faith. Our focus is to empower people of any age to believe that they can be restored. We are sensitive especially to the care of children and seniors in our communities. One of the highlights of our ministry is The Power of Agreement whereas couples as-well-as single individuals come together to discuss and resolve day-to-day issues that divide and cause destruction in marriages and family structure. The hope and future of HOHM is to provide transitional housing along with a sound curriculum that will address areas of health, finances, work ethics, and educational benefits.
HOHM provides care for individuals with sincere needs such as our "Food to Feed" community meals program, our back to school giveaways of school supplies to youth, as-well-as the Power of Agreement workshops we offer designed for singles and couples for building healthy relationships using daily life skills, all of which are conducted by licensed and earned degree professionals.
Our future goal is to secure and or partner with organizations that provide housing for single parents and individuals who are experiencing hardship in need of a hand-up. The concept is to have programs in place for people residing in the facility that brings about a change in self-esteem, activeness in education promotes healthy living and encourages spiritual development. The programs are designed to give people hope for their future by reshaping a positive mindset.
Meet Glenn & Sabrina